Наши объекты


"Moscow" Hotel


Адрес: Moscow, Ohotny Ryad Street, Bld. 2

Виды выполняемых работ: Dismantling and utilization of the building, earthmoving and special works, erection of monolithic building frame

Заказчик: CJSC “General Directorate Centre”

Проектировщик: “Mosproject-2”

Общая площадь: 187 000 sq. m

Участок: 1,8 hectares

Окончание строительства: December 2007

О проекте

Experts of our Company have performed dismantling of the old building of the “Moscow” hotel and earthmoving, and built an underground multilevel parking and a new monolithic building frame. The greater part of the hotel was pulled down elementwise because of its location in the immediate proximity from the Moscow Kremlin ensemble and necessity of providing safety and uninterrupted functioning of the Moscow underground rapid transit systems in the area of dismantling. All the works concerning dismantling of more than 300 000 sq. m of total structural volume of the hotel have been completed within 90 days.

At the place of the "Moscow" hotel there was built a mixed-up complex with 5‐star hotel, apartments, “A” class office centre, de luxe class shopping mall, congress centre and an underground parking lot for 717 car spaces. Because of the fact that the “Moscow” hotel is located in the area of special town-planning requirements, one of the most important problems of the project implementation was the reconstruction of historical look of the "Moscow" hotel which had been erected at this site in the 30-s of the XX century under the project of architect Alexey Shchusev.

The mixed-up complex “Moscow Hotel” is a unique architectural construction restored in its original form, however with absolutely updated interior.