Наши объекты

Residential complex

Continental Housing Complex


Адрес: 72-74 Prospect Marshala Zhukova

Виды выполняемых работ: monolithic frame of the building

Заказчик: Konty Corporation CJSC

Общая площадь: 150,000 sq.m

О проекте

The monolithic frame of the building of Continental high-rise housing complex is constructed by specialists of our company.

The construction was performed as a part of the Special-Purpose Program of the Moscow Government called “New Ring of Moscow”.

Continental is a complex of monolithic-brick buildings with variable number of stories 14 – 20 – 24- 48 stories, the 1st and 2nd floors are designed for non-residential premises: offices, commercial areas, and an entertainment centre. A four-level parking lot with car was and car care center is provided in the underground part of the building.

Location and infrastructure
Continental high-rise residential complex is located in ecologically clean district of the capital, on the riverbank of the Moscow River, very close to Serebryany Bor and has its own infrastructure.
There is a convenient transport connection: it takes 20 minutes to get to the city center by car and 10 minutes by municipal transport from Polezhaevskaya and Oktyabrskoye Pole underground stations.

Housing and Utilities
The ecologically friendly modern materials and advanced technologies were used for construction of the complex.
The external load-bearing walls are three layered: the monolith 300 mm thick, bricks, ROCKWOOL insulating hard mineral wool board with thickness of 150 mm, and ceramic granite.
The inter floor overlapping are monolithic. The floor height is 3.3 m.
The complex is provided with individual heat supply station. The heat supply system is equipped with bimetallic heaters with thermoregulators.
The house is connected to the modern telecommunications system through fiber lines.

The complex area is guarded and equipped with video security system.